Department of International Business and Career INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS CAREER PROGRAM
- Learning Keyword
- Business English / Business Design / Innovation / Leadership / Marketing / Corporate Research / Finance and Accounting / Fieldwork / Seminar
Department of International Airlines INTERNATIONAL AIRLINE PROGRAM
- Learning Keyword
- TOEIC / Current Affairs / Airline Industry Research / Japanese Language Skills / Discussion Skills / Customer Service Skills / Hospitality Mindset / Facial Expressions / Grooming / Etiquette / Customer Service Psychology
Department of International Tourism INTERNATIONAL TOURISM PROGRAM
- Learning Keyword
- Preparation for certification examinations (Domestic Travel Service Supervisor, Comprehensive Travel Service Supervisor, Domestic Itinerary Supervisor) / Overseas Travel Practice / Tour Planning / Interpreter Guide
International Hotel Department INTERNATIONAL HOTEL PROGRAM
- Learning Keyword
- Communication Skills/Hospitality/Hotel Business/Hotelier Design/Internship/Hospitality English Conversation/Cultural Understanding/Manner Protocol/Bridal
Department of Digital Communication DIGITAL COMMUNICATION PROGRAM
- Learning Keyword
- IT Passport / Media Literacy / DX / Web and SNS Marketing / E-Commerce / Image and Video Editing / Web Design / Data Analysis / D&I (Diversity & Inclusion) / Cyber Security
Department of Global Communication GLOBAL COMMUNICATION PROGRAM
- Learning Keyword
- TOEIC / Entrepreneurship / Marketing / Business Management / Economics / Management / Programming / International Affairs / Business Concepts / World History and Culture / Presentations / Career Design / English Interview Practice
- Learning Keyword
- English 4 skills/Interpretation and Translation/Medical English/Business English/Domestic University Transfer/TOEIC?/Exercises in English Expression/Transmission of Japanese Culture/Proficiency Classes
Department of Asian/European Languages ASIAN/EUROPEAN LANGUAGES PROGRAM
- Learning Keyword
- French Grammar / Spanish Conversation / Korean Composition / Chinese Exam Preparation / Indonesian Listening / Vietnamese Reading Comprehension / Thai Pronunciation and Conversation / Cultural and Language Field Training
Children's English Teacher Training Course EARLY CHILDHOOD ENGLISH
- Education / English Teaching Methods / Lesson Plans / Reading / University Transfer / Internships / Exercises / Childcare Qualification / Children / Psychology / Pronunciation / Events
Transfer Course for 3rd Year Students of Overseas Universities INTERNATIONAL STUDIES PROGRAM
- Learning Keyword
- Transfer to partner universities abroad / Bachelor's degree / Study in English / Employment abroad / Broad general education / TOEFL? / IELTS / Travel support / Career support for international students
One Year Course] English Basic Training Course english foundation program
- Learning Keyword
- Strengthening of basic 4 skills / Study counseling / Japanese communication / Second-year transfer for English majors / Pronunciation clinic / First-year recommendation for admission to Kanda University of International Studies