2020年度前期 留学生別科オンライン修了式開催/Online Completion Ceremony of Japanese Language and Culture Program for Spring 2020

また、ジュイス ジ フォーラ連邦大学(ブラジル)からの交換留学生マーザ バルボサ オリビェイラ パウラ(MAZZA BARBOSA OLIVEIRA PAULA)さんが代表でスピーチを行ないました。
The Japanese Language and Culture Program held its Completion Ceremony for the spring semester 2020 on Wednesday, July 22nd. Usually, students have a Farewell Party at the end of the semester. However, this time, the ceremony was held online through “Zoom” to protect the health of students, faculty, and staff from COVID-19.
President Miyauchi and Professor Iwamoto, the head of the program, gave the international students a congratulatory address and awarded students who had good attendance throughout the term.
As a representative of the international students, Ms. Massa Barbosa Oliveira Paula from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora in Brazil gave a valedictory speech.
At the end of the ceremony, each participant showed a short message on a piece of paper through the monitor, and took a commemorative screenshot.
また、ジュイス ジ フォーラ連邦大学(ブラジル)からの交換留学生マーザ バルボサ オリビェイラ パウラ(MAZZA BARBOSA OLIVEIRA PAULA)さんが代表でスピーチを行ないました。
The Japanese Language and Culture Program held its Completion Ceremony for the spring semester 2020 on Wednesday, July 22nd. Usually, students have a Farewell Party at the end of the semester. However, this time, the ceremony was held online through “Zoom” to protect the health of students, faculty, and staff from COVID-19.
President Miyauchi and Professor Iwamoto, the head of the program, gave the international students a congratulatory address and awarded students who had good attendance throughout the term.
As a representative of the international students, Ms. Massa Barbosa Oliveira Paula from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora in Brazil gave a valedictory speech.
At the end of the ceremony, each participant showed a short message on a piece of paper through the monitor, and took a commemorative screenshot.

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