前期第5週目のオンライン授業に関する学生アンケート集計結果について/Results of the Week 5 Online Lesson Student Survey


(English follows Japanese)



対 象:外国語学部学生
実施方法:Google フォーム


Innovation KUIS

Results of the Week 5 Online Lesson Student Survey

On April 27, we began the first week of online lessons of the term, which is a first for our university. Thanks to your tireless efforts, we received generally positive feedback from students on the first survey on online lessons. In order to continue to improve the quality of our lessons, we conducted a subsequent survey at the end of Week 5 to collect feedback from students regarding their internet connection status, their impressions of online classes so far, and their current course load

We would like to express our gratitude to the students who cooperated in our survey. We have shared the results with all university faculty and staff to improve the quality of our lessons and to provide the best quality education to our students.

Details of the survey are as follows:
Dates of Survey: Saturday, May 30 ~ Wednesday, June 3
Target: KUIS undergraduate students
Method of Distribution: Posted link to survey on Campus Web (Internal web portal)
Survey Format: Google Form
Number of Responses: 977 (24.4% of students) *This number has been rounded to 1 decimal place.
*Each answer is handled anonymously and will not affect any individual’s grade.

View responses to student survey

Kanda University of International Studies
Innovation KUIS
Office of the President & Online Lesson Support Team