
Workshop for teachers to…
-discover new techniques to use in their classrooms
-build their professional network
Schedule and Workshop Topics
10:00-10:15: Opening
10:15-12:15: Workshop 1: Active Reading
12:15-13:15: Lunch
13:15-15:15: Workshop 2: Communicative Grammar Teaching
15:15-15:30: Break
15:30-17:00: Workshop 3: Teaching English in English
17:00-17:30: Optional Networking time (with refreshments)
会 場:神田外語学院(東京?神田)9号館2階
*お申込をキャンセルする場合はTESOL 東京オフィスに直接お電話でご連絡下さい。
*3つのワークショップから選んで申し込みをすることはできません。3つすべてのワークショップにご参加して いただける方を対象としています。

Workshop for Secondary School English Teachers
Event Description:
Over the past decade, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Technology (MEXT) has proposed a number of ambitious reforms for secondary-school English education. These include encouraging teachers to conduct their classes in English, making greater use of group work, and employing more communicative teaching methods. Added to these reforms is the emphasis in the new course of study on “Active Learning”. While such directives may signal a new era of progressive and positive change in English education in Japan, they may also be a source of stress and confusion for busy secondary school teachers already overburdened with responsibilities. In response to these challenges, the Masters TESOL Program at Kanda University of International Studies is offering a series of practical workshops on a variety of topics including active reading, teaching grammar communicatively and teaching English in English. Participants will have a chance to experience various activities, discuss how they might be adapted in their contexts, and expand their professional network by meeting teachers from other schools.
Workshop 1: How do I make my reading classes more active?
A key feature of MEXT’s new Course of Study is Active Learning. This approach is often discussed in connection with productive skills (i.e., writing and speaking) in activities such as debates, discussions, and presentations. It is less clear how active learning relates to the development of receptive skills (i.e., reading and listening). This workshop begins with a brief overview of some of the key features of active learning. Participants will then experience a variety of reading activities and discuss their reactions to them.

Gordon Myskow (PhD)
Workshop 2: How can I make grammar teaching more interactive?
An important emphasis in the Course of Study for English, with which teachers often struggle, is the teaching of grammar in communicative contexts. As a participant in this workshop, you will learn a range of activities for teaching grammar in interactive, student-centered contexts. You will experience how “individual accountability”, “equal participation”, and other principles associated with Structural Cooperative Learning can be employed to transform your classes. On returning to your school, effective classroom management, increased student participation, and your grammar-teaching objectives will all be achievable in a far more interactive and lively classroom.

Paul R. Underwood (PhD)
Workshop 3: Energizing the language classroom through English.
In the Japanese Ministry of Education’s English Education Reform Plan Corresponding to Globalization (MEXT, 2014), teachers in both junior and senior high school will be expected to teach classes in English. Even though this initiative has been in effect since 2013 in senior high school, conducting English classes in English still remains a challenge to implement in the classroom for a variety of reasons. This workshop offers practical suggestions to establish English as the main language of the classroom, which includes tips on how to improve the quality and delivery of classroom instructions and to better engage students with the power of your voice.

Gregory Paul Glasgow (PhD)
新皇冠体育大学院 TESOL プログラム(東京キャンパス)
TEL:03-3254-3586 木~月10:00-18:00 * 火曜?水曜定休日
- 児童英語教育研究センター
- ニュースTOP
- 重要なお知らせ
- インフォメーション
- プレスリリース?メディア掲載
- グローバル?リベラルアーツ学部
- 英米語学科
- アジア言語学科
- 中国語専攻
- 韓国語専攻
- インドネシア語専攻
- ベトナム語専攻
- タイ語専攻
- イベロアメリカ言語学科
- スペイン語専攻
- ブラジル?ポルトガル語専攻
- 国際コミュニケーション学科
- 国際コミュニケーション専攻
- 国際ビジネスキャリア専攻
- 留学生別科
- 大学院
- 大学院 TESOL
- 受験生の方へ
- 新皇冠体育へ
- 卒業生の方へ
- 保護者?保証人の方へ
- 進路指導の先生方へ
- 新皇冠体育
- イベント
- スピーチコンテスト
- 入試情報
- 合格者の方へ
- 外務省在外公館派遣員
- 日本研究所
- ボランティアセンター
- 産官学?地域連携部
- 英語deスポーツクラブ