MA TESOL Program Public Lecture Series on July 13, 2018, Venue: Kanda, Tokyo
Venue: Kanda, TOKYO
CBI and CLIL—Same but Different?

The turn of this century has seen the emergence and exponential growth of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)—a dual language model involving the delivery of selected subject matter courses in the students’ second or additional language (L2) that represents a response to the multilingual needs and goals of global economies. A question often posed regards the relation between CLIL and content-based instruction (CBI), with some practitioners claiming that CLIL is a unique approach to L2 teaching while others view it as a newer prototype model of CBI. In this talk, the presenter will examine the extent to which CLIL shares features of other forms of CBI and will argue that by definition, it belongs within the CBI paradigm. She will then discuss those features of CLIL that distinguish it from other forms of CBI and will differentiate “hard” and “soft” CLIL, comparing these to their closest CBI counterpart, sheltered content instruction. Ultimately, she will show that the primary differences between CLIL and CBI have to do with the rationale underlying the two approaches, the sociolinguistic profiles of the student populations served, and the differing end goals of the programs.
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Kanda University of International Studies
Graduate School, Tokyo Campus,
TESOL Program
- 児童英語教育研究センター
- ニュースTOP
- 重要なお知らせ
- インフォメーション
- プレスリリース?メディア掲載
- グローバル?リベラルアーツ学部
- 英米語学科
- アジア言語学科
- 中国語専攻
- 韓国語専攻
- インドネシア語専攻
- ベトナム語専攻
- タイ語専攻
- イベロアメリカ言語学科
- スペイン語専攻
- ブラジル?ポルトガル語専攻
- 国際コミュニケーション学科
- 国際コミュニケーション専攻
- 国際ビジネスキャリア専攻
- 留学生別科
- 大学院
- 大学院 TESOL
- 受験生の方へ
- 新皇冠体育へ
- 卒業生の方へ
- 保護者?保証人の方へ
- 進路指導の先生方へ
- 新皇冠体育
- イベント
- スピーチコンテスト
- 入試情報
- 合格者の方へ
- 外務省在外公館派遣員
- 日本研究所
- ボランティアセンター
- 産官学?地域連携部
- 英語deスポーツクラブ