D┴a de Muertos


In summer, families in Japan celebrate the holiday of obon, remembering their ancestors and visiting their graves. This month, let¨s learn about Mexico¨s lively holiday to celebrate the dead: D┴a de Muertos.

In Spanish, D┴a de Muertos means, ^Day of the Dead. ̄ During this festival, families celebrate their ancestors, who are said to return to Earth as spirits for a short time. Similar to Obon, Mexican families visit the graves of their family members. They bring gifts of food and drinks to put in front of the grave for their ancestors. Some people also bring candles and marigold flowers.
スペインZの仝D┴a de Muertos々 は仝Day of the Dead々という吭龍です。このお疾りでは、つかのgに悶としてF弊によみがえる枠怕をお廝いします。お嶋と貌ていて枠怕の長歌りをし、奮べ麗やみ麗をお長の念にお工えします。マリ`ゴ`ルドの雑とキャンドルを工える社怛もあります。

During this festival, you can also see many skeleton-themed dolls, masks, and food. Day of the Dead skeletons are colorful and lively, and celebrate the connection between the living and the dead.