2023 Summer English Education Session Proposal Information
開講日?会場 Dates?Venues
7/29 (土/Sat.) / Online
講座数?時間?講師料 of sessions / Length of sessions / Remuneration
?1講座90分¥15,000 90 minutes per session
?1日2講座まで up to 2 sessions a day
?交通費支給 Transportation compensated
テーマ Theme
More Content-based, More Collaborative and More Communicative
English classes at junior and high schools are expected to move toward more content-based, more collaborative and more communicative instructions. In a sense, this trend is natural because Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has decided to focus more on the students’ productive skills rather than their receptive skills and wipe off the long-term negative reputation that Japanese people can read English but can’t speak it. The new English subject for high schools called “Logic and Expressions” implies that logical and critical thinking are crucial to be good English speakers, and the teachers are now groping in the dark for practical ways to foster them.
Mick Hasegawa
Coordinator of the Seminar
出席者 Participants
小?中?高校英語科教諭 / Mainly elementary, junior and high school teachers
講座分野 Fields of the Sessions
(1)実践編例/Practical Ideas for Classroom Instructions
① スピーキング活動のアイディア Ideas for speaking activities
② ライティング活動のアイディア Ideas for writing activities
③ リーディング活動のアイディア Ideas for reading activities
④ リスニング活動のアイディア Ideas for listening activities
⑤ 4技能統合活動のアイディア Ideas for 4 skills-integrated activities
(2)先進的研究例 Advanced Study & Research on Social Issues, etc.
① SDGs学習におけるICT活用 / Use of ICT for SDGs study
② STEAM, CLIL, Active Learning for Social Issues
(3)会話力、協働力、創造力、批評力の育成/Developing communication skills, collaboration skills, creating skills and critical thinking skills
① 会話力育成のための教授法 Ideas for developing communicative skills
② 協働力育成のための教授法 Ideas for developing collaborative skills
③ 想像力育成のための教授法 Ideas for developing creative skills
④ 批評力育成のための教授法 Ideas for developing critical thinking skills
① 試験対策のための授業展開 Classes for 4-skills exam preparation
② デモ授業 Demonstrative instructions for 4-skills exam preparation
講座枠予定数(最大予定数) Session Plan(at largest )
① 現役小中高教員枠 2講座 2 sessions by junior / high teachers
② KIFL/KUIS 教員枠 4講座 4 sessions by KIFL/KUIS teachers
③ ゲスト外部講師 1講座 1 session by a guest teacher
④ 大学院TESOL デモ講座 1講座 1 MA TESOL demonstration class
合計 8講座/1日 12 sessions in one day
提案方法 Application
?講座ご提案用フォームにご記入ください。Fill in the application form at the URL below.
?写真はデジタルデータを下記URLよりお送りください。Send your photo from below.
締め切り Deadline
新皇冠体育5年4月21日(金)/ Friday, April 21, 2023
問い合わせ Inquiry
For more information, email to: hasegawa-m@kanda.kuis.ac.jp
講座ホームページURL: https://www.education-seminar.com/